Pros And Cons Of Teflon Coating On Cars Painting Process In Automotive Industry Ppt

Painting Process In Automotive Industry PptThe body is built up on a separate assembly line from the chassis. Robots as soon as once again carry out most of the welding on the numerous panels, but human workers are needed to bolt the components with each other. In the course of welding, element pieces are held securely in a jig while welding operations are performed. After the body shell is comprehensive, it is attached to an overhead conveyor for the painting method. The multi-step painting procedure entails inspection, cleaning, undercoat (electrostatically applied) dipping, drying, topcoat spraying, and baking.
In the early days of the automobile business, paint was applied manually and dried for weeks at area temperature because it was a single element paint that dried by solvent evaporation. As mass production of automobiles made the approach untenable, paint began to be dried in ovens. Presently, two-component (catalyzed) paint is usually … READ MORE ...