Exactly where Are All The Females In The Automotive Business?Women In The Automotive Industry

Women in the automotive industryThis infographic shows the percentage of females in the automotive industry. With that resume, it’s effortless to see why Produce and Cultivate incorporated Fletcher on their annual Generate & Cultivate one hundred list , honoring girls visionary girls across ten diverse industries. Chevrolet, who sponsored the occasion, flew me out to Los Angeles to get to know Fletcher in individual. Right here, she discusses how she got her start off, how the sector has evolved, and how her style has evolved as the business accomplished a lot more gender parity.
Following 12 years working as an engineer for a Fortune 500 business, I quit my management job to become an auto mechanic. I traded high heels and an air-conditioned office for boots, Dickies and grime-covered hands. The reason was simple: I was tired of feeling like an auto airhead and acquiring scammed by the male-dominated automobile-care … READ MORE ...